
Recent Survey Unveils Internal Audit’s Expanding Role in Risk Management

Organizations today are increasingly turning to their internal audit teams to bridge the widening gap between risk demands and risk management capacity. A recent survey conducted by AuditBoard sheds light on this shift, revealing that the role of internal audit is expanding significantly as companies seek to bolster their resilience against emerging threats.

Why Effective Policy Management is Non-Negotiable for Organizational Success

In the world of governance, risk management, and compliance, policies are not just procedural formalities—they are the bedrock upon which organizations build their operational integrity. Properly designed and implemented, policies ensure that processes, transactions, and behaviors align with the organization’s objectives, mitigating risks and upholding values. But as vital as they are, policies can also be a double-edged sword: when poorly managed, they expose organizations to significant legal liabilities.

Corporate Legal Teams Take on Bigger Role in ESG as Governance Emerges as a Key Focus, 2024 Benchmark Survey Finds

The latest annual benchmark study on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies and compliance conducted by Corporate Counsel in partnership with Morrison Foerster has revealed several notable trends in how organizations and their legal departments are approaching ESG.

MIT Unveils Comprehensive AI Risk Database

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has introduced a new resource on artificial intelligence. This new AI Risk Repository, which features over 700 meticulously cataloged entries, represents a significant advancement in the consolidation and comprehension of the multifaceted risks associated with AI deployment.

Survey Reveals Compensation Trends for Chief Compliance Officers Across Various Sectors

The latest survey conducted by BarkerGilmore provides a revealing look into the compensation trends for Chief Compliance Officers (CCOs) across public companies, private companies, and non-profit organizations. As compliance professionals navigate an increasingly complex regulatory environment, understanding these compensation patterns offers valuable insight into the evolving priorities of organizations across various sectors.

Strengthening KYC through Integrated Third-Party Risk Management Practices in Financial Institutions

Banks and investment firms face a multitude of risks - from financial and regulatory to reputational and legal. To address these challenges effectively, institutions must have a comprehensive understanding of not only their internal risks, but also the risks presented by their third-party vendors, suppliers, and clients.

The European Accessibility Act: Reshaping Digital Inclusion Across the EU

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital technology, the European Union has taken a bold step towards ensuring universal access with the European Accessibility Act (EAA). Enacted in June 2019, this groundbreaking legislation represents a paradigm shift in how businesses approach digital accessibility, extending far beyond the scope of its predecessor, the 2016 Web Accessibility Directive.