
Fortifying Cyber Defenses: A Mandate for State & Local Governments

The cybersecurity landscape is a battleground, and state and local governments find themselves on the frontlines. Cyber threats loom larger than ever, escalating in frequency and sophistication as we progress through 2024. While high-profile breaches often dominate headlines, state and local agencies are not exempt from the relentless barrage of attacks aimed at compromising sensitive citizen data and disrupting critical operations. This pivotal moment demands decisive action to fortify data privacy and security measures.

Corlytics & Verdane Deal Reflects Surging Growth in GRC Industry

In a resounding validation of the burgeoning importance of governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) technology, Corlytics has secured a substantial investment from Verdane, marking what could very well be a pivotal moment in the evolution of the GRC industry. This strategic partnership serves as a bellwether for the remarkable growth trajectory and importance of the broader GRC and RegTech sectors.

Google's Compliance Overhaul: Insights for Compliance Professionals into DMA Changes for Users & Businesses

In response to the European Union's Digital Markets Act (DMA) coming into force, Google is making significant alterations to its operations. The move aims to ensure compliance with the new regulations and marks a pivotal moment in the tech giant's approach to business in the European Economic Area (EEA).