CFTC Commissioner Announces Agenda for January 8 Technology Advisory Committee Meeting

CFTC Commissioner Announces Agenda for January 8 Technology Advisory Committee Meeting


In a recent press release, Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero, sponsor of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Technology Advisory Committee (TAC), revealed the detailed agenda for the upcoming TAC public meeting on January 8, 2024. The event, to be live-streamed from the CFTC headquarters, will focus on key technology issues impacting financial markets.

Commissioner Goldsmith Romero emphasized the importance of engaging with technology experts to enhance discussions on emerging technologies for financial markets. The agenda addresses critical topics, including the responsible implementation of artificial intelligence, ongoing cybersecurity risks, and a deeper exploration of decentralized finance.

Agenda Highlights:

  • Opening Remarks (12:30 pm ET): Commissioner Goldsmith Romero will set the tone for the meeting, emphasizing the significance of technology in financial markets.
  • White House Executive Order on AI (12:50 pm ET): Elizabeth Kelly, Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, will present on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence.
  • U.S. Government Cybersecurity Efforts (1:35 pm ET): Mitch Herckis, Branch Director for Federal Cybersecurity, will discuss ongoing efforts to modernize federal cyber defenses.
  • Understanding AI’s Implications on Financial Markets (2:10 pm ET): Michael Wellman, Lynn A. Conway Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Michigan, will present insights, followed by discussions.
  • Break (2:45 pm ET): A short break will precede the presentation on decentralized finance.
  • Decentralized Finance Presentation and Discussion (2:55 pm ET): The Subcommittee on Digital Assets and Blockchain Technology will present findings on the study of decentralized finance.
  • Closing Remarks and Adjournment (4:25 pm ET): Commissioner Goldsmith Romero will conclude the meeting.

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission's upcoming Technology Advisory Committee meeting promises insightful discussions on pivotal topics shaping the financial landscape. As technology continues to evolve, the intersection of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and decentralized finance becomes increasingly crucial. Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero emphasizes the importance of responsible implementation of transformative technologies, emphasizing protection against harm to customers and markets. The comprehensive agenda, featuring presentations on White House executive orders, government cybersecurity efforts, and the implications of AI on financial markets, reflects the committee's commitment to addressing the dynamic challenges in the realm of technology and finance. Stakeholders and enthusiasts keen on staying abreast of these discussions can tune in via the provided viewing/listening instructions, ensuring access to valuable insights from industry experts and policymakers.

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