ESMA's Long-Term Vision for the EU Sustainable Finance Framework

ESMA's Long-Term Vision for the EU Sustainable Finance Framework


The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published an opinion outlining its long-term vision for improving the EU's Sustainable Finance Regulatory Framework. This comprehensive document aims to enhance the framework's usability and coherence, focusing on facilitating investors' sustainable investment journey while supporting the effective functioning of the entire Sustainable Investment Value Chain (SIVC).

At the heart of ESMA's recommendations is the proposal to establish the EU Taxonomy as the central reference point for sustainability assessments across all relevant legislation. This involves completing the Taxonomy for all activities contributing to environmental sustainability and developing a complementary social taxonomy. ESMA suggests phasing out the SFDR definition of 'sustainable investments' in favor of the more robust EU Taxonomy, which would provide a clearer and more consistent standard for sustainability.

To support the transition to a sustainable economy, ESMA recommends providing a legal definition of transition investments and enhancing disclosures related to transitioning or decommissioning harmful activities. The Opinion calls for the development of high-quality standards for transition bonds and sustainability-linked bonds, as well as raising the ambition of EU Climate Benchmarks.

Transparency and disclosure requirements are a key focus of the Opinion. ESMA proposes implementing minimum sustainability disclosures for all financial products, consisting of a small set of simple sustainability KPIs covering both environmental and social aspects. The Authority suggests using a layered approach to information disclosure, with a subset of 'vital' information tailored for less sophisticated investors and placed in short, consumer-facing documents like the PRIIPS KID.

A significant proposal is the establishment of a product categorization system with strong categories for sustainable and transition investments. This system would be based on clear, science-based, and measurable eligibility criteria, subject to supervision by National Competent Authorities. ESMA also suggests considering the feasibility of a grading system to illustrate products' sustainability profiles, while acknowledging the methodological challenges involved.

The Opinion emphasizes the importance of aligning product names and marketing materials with the actual sustainability profile of products. It recommends restricting the use of certain sustainability-related terms in names and marketing for products that don't meet specific sustainability characteristics.

ESMA proposes streamlining how investors express sustainability preferences in line with the proposed product categorization. This would support investment advisors in their dialogue with investors about sustainable preferences and ensure that advisors have appropriate knowledge and competence regarding sustainability-related products.

Addressing ESG data quality, the Opinion calls for monitoring the practical application of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), improving the consistency of ESG metrics across the Framework, and bringing ESG data products within the regulatory perimeter to ensure quality and reliability.

Finally, ESMA recommends clarifying due diligence responsibilities for all actors in the Sustainable Investment Value Chain, promoting deeper integration of active engagement with investee companies, and considering the introduction of an EU-wide stewardship code for market actors.

Throughout the Opinion, ESMA emphasizes the importance of consumer and industry testing to ensure the appropriateness and feasibility of these proposals. The Authority also acknowledges the need for regular review of categories and their eligibility requirements to maintain relevance while balancing regulatory stability.

This comprehensive approach aims to address the complexity of the current framework, improve clarity for investors, support the financing of transition to a sustainable economy, and enhance the overall integrity and effectiveness of the EU's Sustainable Finance Regulatory Framework. By taking a holistic view of the sustainable finance landscape, ESMA's recommendations seek to create a more transparent, efficient, and investor-friendly environment for sustainable investing in the European Union.

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