IAASB Launches Public Consultation on Groundbreaking Global Sustainability Assurance Standard

IAASB Launches Public Consultation on Groundbreaking Global Sustainability Assurance Standard


In a significant stride toward bolstering confidence and accountability in sustainability reporting, the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) has unveiled its proposed International Standard on Sustainability Assurance (ISSA) 5000, marking a pivotal moment in the evolution of global sustainability assurance practices.

The ISSA 5000, titled "General Requirements for Sustainability Assurance Engagements," has been formulated with a resolute focus on enhancing the rigor and credibility of sustainability reporting. This comprehensive standard, upon approval, promises to stand as a beacon of assurance for practitioners worldwide, bridging the gap between corporate reporting and sustainability disclosures.

IAASB Chair Tom Seidenstein underscored the profound significance of the ISSA 5000, particularly in the realm of bolstering trust and transparency. "Our proposed ISSA 5000 is a crucial step in enhancing confidence and trust in sustainability reporting. This proposal directly responds to the International Organization of Securities Commissions recommendations and complements the work of other standard setters, including the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants," Seidenstein affirmed. The IAASB's concerted effort to align sustainability assurance with universally accepted standards reflects its commitment to cultivating independent, externally validated reporting practices.

At its core, the ISSA 5000 embodies a principles-based framework, adeptly catering to both limited and reasonable assurance engagements across the diverse spectrum of sustainability information. Regardless of the specific sustainability topic, the standard embraces a versatile approach that complements various reporting frameworks. These encompass a wide array of established and emerging frameworks, including those issued by esteemed entities such as the European Union, the International Sustainability Standards Board, the Global Reporting Initiative, and the International Organization for Standardization, among others.

Notably, the standard's all-encompassing nature transcends professional boundaries, accommodating the distinct needs of both accountants and non-accountant assurance practitioners. This holistic inclusivity underscores the IAASB's commitment to ensuring high-quality sustainability assurance engagements, irrespective of the practitioner's background.

A cornerstone of the IAASB's outreach strategy is a comprehensive series of four roundtable discussions scheduled to commence in September. These roundtables form a pivotal platform for stakeholders to contribute their perspectives, enriching the discourse around the ISSA 5000. Moreover, the IAASB's engagement strategy extends to virtual, regional, and national events, held in conjunction with partner organizations, throughout the consultation period.

IAASB Vice-Chair and Sustainability Task Force Chair Josephine Jackson articulated the significance of this outreach endeavor, emphasizing its potential to shape the final standard. "Receiving the broadest range of views from our stakeholders will improve both the quality of and trust in the final standard. Our unprecedented commitment to outreach will allow us to engage directly with a much wider group of stakeholders to gather the valuable insights we need to finalize a high-quality robust standard," Jackson remarked.

As sustainability and accountability continue to ascend the corporate agenda, the IAASB's ISSA 5000 emerges as a beacon of progressive assurance, poised to empower organizations, practitioners, and stakeholders to navigate the intricate landscape of sustainability reporting with unwavering confidence. With the consultation process underway, the global community eagerly anticipates the transformative impact of this groundbreaking standard on sustainability assurance practices.

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