Liquidnet Faces $5 Million Fine Over Safeguards Failures & Missteps

Liquidnet Faces $5 Million Fine Over Safeguards Failures & Missteps


Liquidnet Inc., a key player in alternative trading systems (ATS), finds itself in hot water with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The company has agreed to a $5 million penalty after being charged with lapses in its safeguards and controls—lapses that, according to the SEC, jeopardized both market integrity and subscriber trust.

For a firm that touts its commitment to innovation and liquidity in public markets, the allegations paint a troubling picture of insufficient oversight, misplaced priorities, and misrepresentation.

Credit Thresholds Gone Awry

At the heart of the SEC’s case is the market access rule, which mandates that firms like Liquidnet establish robust safeguards to prevent unauthorized or excessive trading orders. It’s a common-sense requirement in a system where billions of dollars can shift in milliseconds.

But instead of tailoring its credit thresholds to customer needs and risk profiles, Liquidnet reportedly set a default threshold of $1 billion. Yes, billion with a "B." This figure, the SEC argues, was not only inappropriate but emblematic of broader systemic failings in Liquidnet’s controls.

“Alternative trading systems like Liquidnet are integral to market operations, but they must implement safeguards that reflect the real-world risks they manage,” said Joseph Sansone, Chief of the Market Abuse Unit.

Mishandling Confidential Information

Perhaps more concerning, though, is Liquidnet’s failure to protect sensitive subscriber trading information—a cornerstone of its operations. Subscribers trust ATS operators to act as guardians of their data, ensuring their trades remain confidential and protected.

But according to the SEC, Liquidnet dropped the ball here, too. Employees who shouldn’t have had access to this data could reportedly view it, and the company’s disclosures about these protections turned out to be, at best, misleading.

It’s the kind of breach that hits not just the company’s bottom line but also its credibility.

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