"Preparing for Generative AI: A Call from the ICO to Mitigate Privacy Risks"

"Preparing for Generative AI: A Call from the ICO to Mitigate Privacy Risks"


The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is calling on businesses to exercise caution before using generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Stephen Almond, Exec Director of Regulatory Risk at the ICO, has warned that companies should conduct careful checks to ensure compliance with data protection laws before adopting AI technology. Research from Politico suggests that rights protected by current legislation such as privacy may be seen as a risk when implementing AI, and that businesses must be aware of these risks going forward. As AI is an emerging technology, companies need to demonstrate that they have addressed any potential risks to people's rights and freedoms associated with the new technology. Almond said that businesses must take into account the differences in uses for AI depending on context; for example, an AI-backed chat function for a cinema would pose different challenges to one for a sexual health clinic. The ICO aims to ensure that organizations do not overlook these potential risks before rolling out generative AI solutions.

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