Public Urged to Come Forward and Help Fight Against Illegitimate Text Pest Activity

Public Urged to Come Forward and Help Fight Against Illegitimate Text Pest Activity


Today, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) launched a call for victims of so-called ‘text pests’ to come forward and provide evidence of the impact illegal behaviour has had on their lives. ‘Text pests’ are individuals that use personal information provided in a business context for unsolicited romantic or sexual propositions, such as asking a customer out on a date after they order a takeaway. The ICO’s research has revealed that almost a third of 18-34-year-olds have been victims of this and two thirds of the public feel it to be morally wrong. The regulator is also contacting major customer-facing businesses across the UK to remind them of their legal responsibilities and to assess any safeguards they have in place. In addition, the ICO wants to hear first-hand from victims of ‘text pests’ and is inviting them to come forward with evidence of this unauthorised misuse of personal information.