The Dangers of Overly Intrusive Monitoring in the Workplace

The Dangers of Overly Intrusive Monitoring in the Workplace


The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is raising awareness of the importance of respecting workers' privacy rights as employers increasingly introduce monitoring in the workplace. Research by the ICO shows that almost one in five people feel they have been monitored in the workplace, and over two thirds find it intrusive. In response, the ICO has released information and guidance to help employers balance their legal requirements with the rights of employees. The guidance outlines steps organisations must take before any monitoring is implemented, such as making clear why the data is needed and how it will be used. The guidance also advises organisations on how to use any data collected lawfully, proportionately, and respect their workers’ rights to privacy where possible. ICO wants organisations to consider both their legal obligations and their workers’ rights before implementing any monitoring in the workplace so they can build trust with their workers and protect their privacy.