"TikTok Fined Over £12 Million for Breaches of Data Protection Legislation Concerning Children"

"TikTok Fined Over £12 Million for Breaches of Data Protection Legislation Concerning Children"


TikTok Technologies UK Limited and TikTok Inc recently received a £12.7 million fine from the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) in the UK for multiple breaches of data protection regulations. This included failing to look after the personal data of juniors, who weren't allowed to create accounts on the platform according to their own rules. The ICO estimates that 1.4 million minors were using the platform in 2020, despite the law requiring parent or carers' consent. They also accused TikTok of not performing adequate investigations to identify and remove underage children from the platform. In response to the allegations, the ICO released the Children's Code of Practice aimed at online services used by kids, such as apps and gaming platforms.