SEC Adopts Rules to Combat Fraud, Manipulation, and Deception in Security-Based Swaps Market

The SEC adopted rules to prevent fraud, manipulation and deception in the security-based swaps market, as well as a rule to protect the independence of chief compliance officers.

"PIMCO Fined $9 Million for Disclosure and Policies and Procedures Violations"

PIMCO agreed to pay a $9 million penalty for failing to disclose material information and implementing inadequate policies and procedures concerning two funds.

Securities and Exchange Commission Takes Action Against Changpeng Zhao and Binance for Alleged Misuse of Investor Assets

The SEC has ordered Changpeng Zhao and Binance entities to repatriate customer assets to the U.S., maintain customer assets in the U.S., and submit sworn accountings of certain assets, among other prohibitions, while litigating alleged securities law violations.

Public Comment Period Reopened for Proposed SEC Rule on Position Reporting of Large Security-Based Swap Positions

The SEC has reopened the comment period for its proposed rule for position reporting of large security-based swap positions, and released additional data and analysis to guide decisions regarding the equity security-based swap market, until August 21, 2023.

SEC Charges Audit Firm Marcum LLP with Systemic Quality Control Failures

The SEC today charged Marcum LLP with systemic quality control failures and violations of audit standards, requiring them to pay a $10 million penalty and undertake remedial actions.

SEC Charges Florida Resident Sanjay Singh and Royal Bengal Logistics with Fraudulent $112 Million Investment Scheme Targeting Haitian-Americans

The SEC has filed charges against Sanjay Singh and his company, Royal Bengal Logistics Inc., for allegedly raising approximately $112 million from 1,500 investors through an unregistered securities offering and operating a Ponzi-like scheme.

SEC Charges William Ichioka with Fraudulent Investment Scheme

The SEC charged William K. Ichioka with fraudulently raising $25 million from investors by making false claims and promising returns while using the funds for gambling and personal enrichment.