394 People Notified of Possible Data Breach in London Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime website

394 People Notified of Possible Data Breach in London Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime website


On 23 February 2023, the London Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) was informed by a member of the public that there may have been a data breach involving two forms on their website. These forms were used to contact the Victims Commissioner for London and to raise complaints about the Metropolitan Police.Upon further investigation, MOPAC found that the personal information of individuals who had submitted complaints on these forms was publicly accessible. This included sensitive information such as their names, addresses, and reasons for submitting the complaint.

MOPAC later notified 394 people who may have been affected by this data breach.While there is no evidence that this information was ever accessed, the potential risk to public confidence in the criminal justice system was significant. MOPAC acknowledges that this was a preventable error and has taken steps to address the issue, including additional staff training and remedial measures.The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has reviewed the incident and is satisfied that it was an honest mistake.

However, they stress the importance of public bodies ensuring the utmost care in handling sensitive information, especially relating to crime.Overall, this incident serves as a reminder for public bodies to learn from their mistakes and prioritize the protection of personal information to uphold public trust in the criminal justice system.

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