Exploring Privacy Research and Innovations through the Perspectives of International Researchers

Exploring Privacy Research and Innovations through the Perspectives of International Researchers


The Privacy Research Day will bring together international researchers to discuss topics related to privacy engineering, data protection, and digital privacy. Three featured researchers are Ero Balsa, Marvin van Bekkum, and Sunny Consolvo, each contributing their expertise and knowledge in the area of privacy. Yana Dimova, Arnaud Grivet Sébert, Florent Guépin, Shubham Jain, Karel Kubicek, Lin Kyi, Maryline Laurent, René Mahieu, Laurianne Trably, and Evgeniia Volkova are also featured during this research day, exploring the latest findings regarding privacy technology, online safety, privacy compliance auditing, privacy-preserving machine learning, consent for using cookies or sending marketing emails, data protection law enforcement, and digital inequalities between rural and urban areas. By providing a platform for these researchers to share their work, the Privacy Research Day will advance understanding of the current approaches to privacy engineering and how best to protect user privacy in the digital age.

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