The Impact of CNIL's Action Plan on Cookies (2020-2022)

The Impact of CNIL's Action Plan on Cookies (2020-2022)


The CNIL's action plan on cookies from 2020 to 2022 has had a substantial impact in terms of promoting compliance with its new rules, and thus better protecting Internet users’ data. An analysis reveals that 95% of respondents know what cookies are and 52% of them understand the recent regulatory changes on the subject. Additionally, the cookie refusal rate has risen, showing an active and informed citizen-consumer. The collection of consent and sufficient information has improved Internet users’ understanding of how their data is used. Meanwhile, websites have been monitored with a CookieViz solution developed by the CNIL, which showed that the intensity of tracking activity for advertising purposes on French websites has decreased, and that the proportion of websites that do not deposit any third-party cookie has increased. Finally, the CNIL has issued 94 orders to comply and 8 sanctions between 2020 to 2022 on cookies, most notably to Google (250M€), Facebook (60M€) and Amazon (35M€).

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